Why is moonvaz water?
Our resources reach the finishes from the filling facilities to the peak of the filling with pipelines suitable for food standards. Completely from cities and all bad factors (exhaust, dust, smoke, etc.) in a remote waist the taste of the water more than the others. T.c. The mineral values approved by the state are in an indispensable healing source of Niksar’s water with our table. As expert doctors say that a person should consume an average of 2.5-3 liters of water daily. The average of 900-1,100 liters of water need to be consumed per year. 92% of the blood, 22% of the bones know that 75% of the brain and the muscles are made of water today with the Many Food’s Magnamental GMO (genetically modified organisms). However, the natural resource water that comes out of our Niksar can be considered to be that our generation of water grow as niksu and drinking water.